9128-50 – Electric Start Conversion Kit

Original price was: $3,793.70.Current price is: $3,500.00.

No more rope start!

SKU: 9218-50 Categories: , , ,

Electric Start with Distributor Conversion Kit – to go from rope start to electric start. Keep your shoulder healthy!

This DOES work for Model 12 mills!

Shipping charges might not be right. For US shipping we lower it to $75 manually before we charge your card. Shipping to Canada costs $250 USD.


ESD Kit Instructions/Click to download



1) You will not be getting a “battery clamp down” part… we are out of them, and won’t be making more. No one used them anyway as the battery box is deep enough the battery doesn’t try to “jump” out and if you are transporting your mill around, you need to take the battery off anyway.

2) DO NOT POLISH THE FLYWHEEL TAPER. The taper lock is very important and to polish the flywheel is likely to remove too much material and “bottom out” the taper. When this happens, you will never be able to torque on the bolts hard enough, the key will still “walk out”, the flywheel will move on the crankshaft, you may damage both the flywheel ($1325) AND the crankshaft ($2500).

Just .001 on the taper diameter will bring the pulley .015 closer to the flywheel. That’s half the thickness of a sheet of notebook paper to bring it 7 sheets thick closer. A little is a lot.

You’ve been told.

Now, if you need to build it back up just the tiniest of bits, use a Sharpie or other permanent marker to color the entire taper AND possibly the inside of the pulley as well. That thin layer of ink might be all you need to get it just right.

Additional information
Weight 50 lbs
Dimensions 14 × 14 × 16 in