1331 – Vari Drive Assembly


Don’t forget a new vari-drive belt while you’re at it! 4203X

Part is on its way

SKU: 1331 Categories: , ,

Vari Drive not working? Try these things:
1) Take it apart and make sure the large pulley is well oiled. It is raw metal on raw metal and will want to rust together if not properly maintained.
2) Stretch your springs a little if they seem to be too compressed.

“Can just get part of this assembly?”

That is not an option unfortunately. This is a small run we did. Likely the last run of these parts we will ever do… unless you are very, very nice to us. When these are gone, they are likely gone forever.

But worry not, mechanical mill owner. We will make sure you have an option to upgrade your mill. Until that time, these are the parts we have available.

Additional information
Weight 1.7 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 5 in